Saturday, April 29, 2006

April 29, 2006 - Mesa Verde, CO - Lake Powell, AZ

Left Mesa Verde for our ultimate destination of Lake Powell in Arizona. But, first we had to stop at the four corners. The “Four Corners”, is where Arizona, Colorado, Utah and New Mexico meet. After talking to a Native Najavo Indian at the Four Corner, he provided us with valuable scenic information in getting to Lake Powell. And of course, I had to buy some jewelry from him.

Let me tell you, the scenic route was awesome. Johnny and I could not believe the rock formations and colors, especially in Utah.

Below are phots of Monument Valley

We arrived at Lake Powell, AZ., very late in the afternoon at the Lake Powell RV Park. It struck Johnny’s interest when he found out there was a golf course near by. So, we went to the golf course to check out the fees and the scenery. Fees where reasonable, but what you are paying for is the view of the Glen Canyon and Lake Powell. We headed out to the visitors center which was closed. Nearby is the Glen Canyon Dam. From the bridge that crosses Lake Powell looking down into the dam is approx. 500 feet. “Glen Canyon Dam is the key storage unit in a far-reaching water development plan called the Colorado River Storage Project. When the dam was completed and Lake Powell was formed in 1963, the irregular flows of the Colorado River were brought under control. The now-steady flow from the dam and Lake Powell makes water developments possible throughout the Upper Colorado River Basin and provides a regulated supply of water to meet downstream commitments.”; information provided from The views are spectacular.