Today we went on a guided tour of the Cliff Palace which is to have been the largest cliff dwelling in Mesa Verde. The park reflects more than 700 years of history. What we toured represented the Classic Pueblo Period (A.D. 1100-1300). The natives of this area were given several names, i.e.: Anasazi, Basketmakers, and Puebloans to name a few. Our ranger referred to them as “The People”, because nobody really knows where they originated. In the late 1200s within the span of one or two generations, they left their homes and moved away. They can only guess as to why they moved. Either drought, easier way of life, and or depleted their food source.
Photos of Cliff Palace
Kiva (Kee-vah) - (ceremonial room)
We continued on to the Spruce Tree House which is the third largest cliff dwelling and visited the Museum. We ended our day with several hundred pictures and lots of walking on our legs.
Underground Kiva