Monday, March 06, 2006

March 6, 2006 - Aptos - Fullerton, CA

Our trip started 9:30am PST on March 6, 2006. So far, the trip has been great. We stopped in Bradley, CA at 12:30pm to have our lunch at the Camp Roberts Rest Stop, just North of Paso Robles, CA.
The weather is holding up, some rain, more in the southern areas, starting in Los Alamos, CA. The trip seems slow, with having to pull “Taylor” the trailer, our speed has been reduced to 55 mph (the legal speed for pulling trailer). This will also help our fuel consumption. It’s amazing how much scenery you can see going this speed.

4:00pm - We are in Ventura, CA, were it is raining pretty hard and foggy and their roads make it very difficult to type. Oh and here we go…TRAFFIC!! Yuck! Oh man, this Ventura Highway project SUCKS!!! The highway is concrete and is like a washboard.
5:00pm – We are in Los Angeles with MUCH better roads, but lots of traffic. I’ll take the traffic over the wwaasshhbbooaarrdd highway.
7:15pm FINALLY after 60 miles of traffic we have arrived at The McPhillips Family. What a great welcome we received. They helped up back up Taylor the trailer into there driveway, hooked him up and they fed us a wonderful homemade beef stew dinner with biscuits. Yum, Yum.